The role played by a maternity night nurse

Yes, a newborn baby is bound to be your bundle of joy and pour oodles of happiness into your lives as parents. But sometimes, dealing with an infant right after birth and even up to a few months can seem to be an unachievable task.

Raising a baby all by themselves can bring the couple sleepless nights and take a toll on the mother's physical as well as mental health. That's why many new mothers prefer to hire professional Maternity Night Nurse in London, also known as baby-nurses. 

Firstly, what do maternity nurses do? 
If there are no family members or relatives close by, maternity nurses are hired to help the new parents in all areas of infant care. For example: -
  • Feeding the baby - This includes bringing the baby to the mother for feeding or washing and preparing milk bottles and helping with latching and pumping. 
  • Taking care of the baby's health - Dealing with all health issues and taking the baby to a doctor if necessary. 
  • Putting the baby to sleep and encouraging periodic sleep habits. 
  • Regularly bathing the baby and changing his clothes and diapers. 
  • Maintaining a track record of the baby's sleep cycle, feed time, bathing time as well as helping develop a routine for the baby and the mother. 
  • Washing the baby's clothes, blankets and other items used to hold him. 
How is this helpful? 

Getting a maternity night nurse in London offers multiple advantages that include: -

  • The biggest advantage of hiring a baby nurse is that the couple does not need to take care of the baby and deal with all problems on their own.
  • In the case of a firstborn, mothers lack experience and are unable to perform all functions properly, for example, feeding or cleaning the baby.
  • The first few weeks or even months can be pretty overwhelming for both the mother and father and in such cases they might get sleep deprived. A maternity night nurse is the best bet here as she can be trusted to take care of the baby at night while the parents get some much-needed rest. As a result, sleep deprivation can be prevented which is known to cause postpartum depression amongst many females.
  • If the couple already has children, a baby nurse can be instructed to take care of the new child, so that they can spare time and energy for the older kids.

    They can also treat children or infants with certain medical conditions or when the kid falls ill.
Whenever required, these nurses can extend their support to the mother as well. This way, she becomes able to continue with her job and career. 

Our maternity nurses really worth it?

At some places, the cost of hiring a maternity nurse is quite high. It can go up to around 200 dollars per night. This is a major reason why many mothers prefer not to hire a nurse. But apart from that, all other things can be taken care of if you have a helping hand.

Many people are reluctant to having a stranger interfere in their parental life but hiring a maternity night nurse in London can be an extremely wise decision if you are lookingforward to enjoying parenthood without the hassles. She will not only take care of the baby but also help the mother to sail through recovery.


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